Buy One Get one Free Bogo Coupon Plugin for Ablecommerce 9
- Utilizes the AC Coupon Feature to provide BOGO capabilities
- Unlimited BOGO campaigns simultaneously
- Assign 'Many to Many' relationships for each BOGO promotion; (i.e. Buy One (or a choice of one) of a qualifying item - Get One (or a choice of one) 'get' item
- When customers add a qualifying product to their basket, an intermediary screen (similar to the AC Accessories feature) would appear; Customer has choice to select a 'get' item (or decline the offer) and add to basket
- Customers able to select products (and options) for 'get' items
- No Coupon Code entry required; Track promotion campaign via AC coupon reporting
- If a customer removes a qualifying item from basket, the 'get' offer is immediately removed as well.
Product Details
- Utilizes the AC Coupon Feature to provide BOGO capabilities
- Unlimited BOGO campaigns simultaneously
- Assign 'Many to Many' relationships for each BOGO promotion; (i.e. Buy One (or a choice of one) of a qualifying item - Get One (or a choice of one) 'get' item
- When customers add a qualifying product to their basket, an intermediary screen (similar to the AC Accessories feature) would appear; Customer has choice to select a 'get' item (or decline the offer) and add to basket
- Customers able to select products (and options) for 'get' items
- No Coupon Code entry required; Track promotion campaign via AC coupon reporting
- If a customer removes a qualifying item from basket, the 'get' offer is immediately removed as well.
Note that in order to ensure you receive the latest code for your AbleCommerce version, we check compatibility for each order and this can take up to 3 business days.
Licensing: One license per store. Details here.
Estimated install time: 2-3 hours.
Documentation Provided: Yes.